Supporting Teens

Supporting Teens

two teenagers looking at a phone and smiling

Teens have unique challenges that differ from both young children and adults. Adolescence is filled with uncertainty, instability, and change. This period of development is characterized by significant developmental changes in the body and brain which can be extremely confusing and difficult to navigate.

In addition to all the biological changes that are occurring, youth are also engaged in identity exploration. They begin moving towards increasing levels of self-sufficiency, independent problem solving, and begin establishing their future life structure. During this time, they are often also exposed to peer pressure, images and messages from social media, and even cyber bullying or extorsion.

If all those challenges are not enough, approximately 60% of first-time mental health issues onset during adolescence. The complexities create a perfect storm that leaves youth vulnerable to harm.

Signs & Symptoms of Mental Health Concerns in Teens

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