Fees for residents, off-campus resident, on- and off-campus associates are due approximately 3 weeks before the beginning of term. For all students except the off-campus associates an invoice is prepared which reflects any scholarships or other credits associated with their specific account.
If fees are not able to be paid by the due date, you must contact the accounting office to explain the delay and make alternate arrangements.
Income Tax Information
Residence fees cannot be claimed as rent for income tax purposes. Under the Income Tax Act, universities are exempt from paying municipal property taxes. For income tax purposes the Grebel Apartments are “student residences”.
The Ontario Income Tax Act stipulates that all students living in designated university (tax-exempted) student residences are limited to an Ontario Energy and Property Tax Credit claim based on an occupancy cost of $25 for the time they resided in the student residence. Therefore, the amount that can be claimed for income tax purposes is $25 and not the full amount of residence fees paid. On Line 6114 (Student Residences) of your income tax return, tick the box to claim $25 as your occupancy cost for the part of the year you lived in residence.
We do not issue a tax receipt for residence fees or meal plan payments.
For more information, please visit the Canada Revenue Agency or University of Waterloo School of Accounting websites.
Residence fees 2024-25
Length of residence | Fee |
8-month contract* | $13 730.00* |
4-month contract | $6 865.00 |
*Note: 60% of an 8-month contract is paid in the first term and 40% is paid in the second term.
Student Council fees per term
Basic Student Council fee | $40.00 |
Sustainability Initiatives fee | $15.00 |
Support for refugee student | $25.00 |
Facility Improvement fee | $15.00 |
Yearbook (only pay once per year) | $50.00 |
Athletic fee (unused amounts refunded) | $70.00 |
Optional fees per term
Car permit (subject ot change) | $208.00 |
Bike key ($5.00 deducted per term - remainder refunded) | $30.00 |
Hockey storage key ($5.00 deducted per term - remainder refunded) | $30.00 |
Apartment Fees 2024-25
Length of apartment contract | Fee* |
8-month contract** |
$7 020.00* |
4-month contract | $3 510.00 |
*There is no additional charge for Community Supper, snack nights, the Term End Banquet or the Annual Fall Retreat.
**60% of an 8-month contract is paid in the first term and 40% in the second.
Student Council fees per term
Basic Student Council fee | $40.00 |
Sustainability Initiatives fee | $15.00 |
Facility Improvement fee | $15.00 |
Support for refugee student | $25.00 |
Optional fees per term
Car permit (subject to change) | $208.00 |
Athletic fee (unused amounts refunded) | $70.00 |
Bike key ($5.00 deducted per term - remainder refunded) | $30.00 |
Hockey storage key ($5.00 deducted per term - remainder refunded) | $30.00 |
Yearbook (only pay once per year) | $50.00 |
Off-Campus Associate (OCA) fees 2024-25
Basic Off-Campus Associate Fee |
Fall: $165 Winter/Spring: $135 |
Breakdown: | |
Student Services Admin Fee |
$97.00 |
Student Council Fee: (This fee includes Student Council activities ($15), student refugee support ($10), sustainability initiatives ($10) and facility improvement fee ($3)) |
$38.00 |
Early Bird Credit (available to those who pay by each term's fee deadline - shown below) | -$15.00 |
Returning Student Credit (deduct $5 for each previously completed term as a Grebel resident or associate to a maximum of 8 terms, $40) | -$5.00 to -$40.00 |
Fall Term Fees (Orientation Week events, Opening Celebration, All-Grebel Retreat, Open Doors @ Grebel, other fall-specific events) | $30 (fall term only) |
Please note: The optional services form must be filled in. This is necessary to notify various offices in the College about both your deductions and options. | |
Add optional fees: | |
Community Suppers 12 Community Suppers. No refunds. Meals eaten at Grebel. Alternatively, purchase individual Community Supper meal tickets from the main office two weeks in advance of the supper you would like to attend. The current price for an individual Community Supper meal ticket is $17.06. |
$155.00 |
Car permit | $235.04 |
Athletic fee(unused portion refunded) | $70.00 |
Bike key deposit ($5.00 deducted per term - remainder refunded) | $30.00 |
Hockey key deposit ($5.00 deducted per term - remainder refunded) | $30.00 |
Yearbook (only pay once per year) | $50.00 |
Term end banquet | $25.00 |
Off-Campus Resident (OCR) fees Fall 2024
Meal plan | $3 620.00 |
Fall retreat |
$30.00 |
Student Council fees per term
Basic Student Council fee | $40.00 |
Student Building Fund fee | $3.00 |
Support for refugee student | $10.00 |
Sustainability Initiatives fee | $10.00 |
Athletic fee (unused amounts refunded) | $70.00 |
Yearbook (only pay once per year) | $50.00 |
Optional fees per term
Car permit (subject to change) | $208 |
Bike key ($5.00 deducted per term - remainder refunded) | $30.00 |
Hockey storage key ($5.00 deducted per term - remainder refunded) | $30.00 |
Deadlines 2024-25
Term | Payment deadline |
Fall 2024 | August 9, 2024 |
Winter 2025 | December 13, 2024 |
Spring 2025 | April 11, 2025 |
How to make a payment
Payment for Resident, OCR, Apartment Dweller or Off-Campus Associate fees
for Conrad Grebel University College may be made as follows:
(Note - Tuition payments need to be directed to the University of Waterloo, not Conrad Grebel.)
- To pay your fees at a Canadian bank or via online or telephone banking, you are going to pay Conrad Grebel University College as a “bill payment” and use your UWaterloo student number as the “account number”. Please be very sure that you are using the correct student number. Bank payments take 2 - 4 days to be processed by the bank.
PAYING VIA CHEQUE, MONEY ORDER OR BANK DRAFT (from a North American bank only)
- You can pay your student account fees by cheque, money order or bank draft payable to Conrad Grebel University College, provided it is drawn on a North American bank. Conrad Grebel University College can only accept bank drafts from Canada or the US. Please include your student number and name on the cheque/money order/bank draft.
- You can send or drop off to your payment here:
Conrad Grebel University College
140 Westmount Road North
Waterloo, ON N2L 3G6 Canada
- If you're making your payment from a bank account outside of Canada, you may send your payment by international wire transfer. Contact Sara Cressman for instructions. Please forward a scanned copy of your wire advice to assist us in identifying your payment when it arrives.
- Conrad Grebel University College can't accept payment of student fees by e-mail Interac transfer, in person debit card, or credit card transaction.