Getting out of the garage
Getting out of the garage
Getting out of the garage
Social VR interview study
The art exhibit for the final project of GENE 499 and FINE 392 (an interdisciplinary engineering and art course). The exhibit will feature interactive sculptures collaboratively created by students in Fine Arts and Engineering programs
Jan Kahehti:io [“beautiful garden”] Longboat, Turtle clan of the Mohawk Nation, is an Elder, educator, writer, herbalist, cultural advocate and visionary. She has dedicated her life to the dissemination and learning of Indigenous language and culture. She shares her knowledge of Earth teachings,storytelling, fasting, dreams, visions, medicine teachings, women's roles, and relationships, Haudenausaunee wampum belts, leadership, environmental changes and the impact that her original language has on understanding important values or life.
The Department of Chemical Engineering (ChE) and the Waterloo Institute for Nanotechnology (WIN) are partnering to organize a series of discourses on technology-based solutions to global challenges linked to UN Sustainable Development Goals.
We are pleased to present the second discourse in our series: Recycling materials for the battery: Aiming Net Zero.
The Changing Same: Blackness, Representation, and Video Games
We are increasingly asked to envision and implement respectful and non-extractive research involving marginalized communities. But we are rarely challenged to bring those principles to bear in our own research groups, where asymmetries of institutional power between colleagues, students, and staff are normalized.
Ammonia Workshop
Café Scientifique: The IPCC’s Sixth Synthesis Report on Climate Change
From Custer's Revenge to Red Dead Redemption: Changing the Language of Indigenous Representation in Video Games