Admissions frequently asked questions

Welcome to our Admissions FAQ page! Here you'll find answers to some of the most common questions we receive about applying to our undergraduate engineering programs. Can't find what you're looking for? Email us your question(s):


Do you have a general first-year engineering program?

We do not offer a general engineering program. At Waterloo, all engineering programs are direct entry with program-specific classes starting from day one.

When selecting a program please keep in mind that transferring between engineering programs as a Waterloo student is difficult and is often not possible. You will want to ensure you have taken the time to research each available program to select the one that best matches your interest and goals.  

Can I apply to more than one engineering program?

You can only apply to one engineering program at Waterloo, excluding Architecture, on your OUAC application.

If you wish to be considered for a second engineering program at Waterloo, you can specify an alternate choice on your Admission Information Form (AIF) once you've applied. You will only be considered for this alternate program choice if you are not admitted to your first choice.

Software Engineering and Biomedical Engineering cannot be selected as an alternate choice on the AIF. These programs have historically been filled with applicants who have selected them as their first choice. Applicants interested in these programs will need to apply to them directly on their OUAC application.

Will I be considered equally for my first choice and the alternate engineering program that I have listed on my AIF?

The goal of the Engineering Admissions Committee is to admit students to their first-choice program where possible. Preference is given to applicants who have applied directly to a program compared to those who have selected it as their alternate program choice. Applicants are only reviewed for their alternate program choice if they have not been admitted to their first choice. Admissions to alternate program choices will only happen near the end of the admissions cycle in May.

Deadlines & timing of decisions

When are the application and document deadlines? Can I apply for early admission?

The deadline to apply to a Waterloo Engineering program, excluding Architecture, is January 15th, 2025. The deadline to submit your AIF, video interview, and any required documentation is January 31st, 2025. 

Engineering no longer has an early consideration deadline as it had in the past. There is only one application deadline on January 15th.

If you are applying to Architecture, or programs outside of the Faculty of Engineering, different deadlines may apply

When can I expect a decision? 

The Engineering Admissions Committee will start to make admission decisions in December. All decisions will be finalized by mid-May.

Only a small number of decisions will be made in December. The majority will be made between February and May allowing for AIF and interview reviews to be completed and to evaluate all grade information received before making the bulk of the decisions.

I have an offer at another university and require a decision from Waterloo Engineering before May. Is this possible?

If you have received an offer of admission from another university who is requiring you to accept or decline by May, or earlier, AND they are requiring a financial deposit please contact the Engineering Admissions Team by emailing Please provide us with the deadline you were given and attach proof of your offer and the financial commitment from the other institution. We will then do our best to make a decision before the deadline that you were given.

If there is no financial commitment involved, then you are encouraged to accept the other offer while you wait for a decision from Waterloo. Accepting an offer from another university will not have an impact on your Waterloo application. You can update your acceptance choice later once you hear back from Waterloo.

Admission requirements & average calculation

I am an Ontario high school student enrolled in the IB or AP program. How will you calculate my average?

As an Ontario high school student taking IB or AP courses your courses will be converted to the equivalent Ontario curriculum courses before they are sent to us. Your admission average will include your marks in: Advanced Functions (MHF4U), Calculus and Vectors (MCV4U), Chemistry (SCH4U), English (ENG4U), Physics (SPH4U), and one additional grade 12 U/M course. Being part of the IB or AP program will not impact your chances of receiving an offer of admission.

What was the cut-off last year?

What happens if I take a night school or online course?

Taking an online or night school course through your school or school board during the regular school year will not impact an admission decision. 

Will taking a spare or two impact my application?

Taking one or two spares will not impact an admission decision or your chances of being admitted. 

What happens if I repeat a course? 

If you have repeated a required course for admission, a 5% repeat penalty may be deducted from your overall admissions average. If your first attempt of the course resulted in a grade that meets the minimum admission requirement (for example 70% for Ontario high school students) then we will use that mark without penalty. You will have the ability to explain your reasons for repeating a course when completing your AIF.

Please feel free to contact us at if you have questions about your specific situation.  

What happens if I take a summer course? 

Students should avoid taking the required courses for admission in summer school if possible. We want to see how you perform in each of the required courses during the school year where you will be balancing other courses and activities outside of the classroom as we assess your ability to be successful in our demanding full-time programs.   

If a required course is taken in the summer, your admission average may be adjusted to reflect your previous performance in that subject.

Please feel free to email if you have questions about your specific situation.  

Do you require math or computing contests? 

No, Engineering does not require applicants to write math or computing contests. Math and computing contest scores are not used as part of the applicant review process. You can discuss participation on your AIF to highlight your interests in this area which can be part of you showing how you are good fit for the program you have applied to. 

What type of computer science/programing knowledge is required when applying to Software Engineering?

Applicants to Software Engineering are required to have experience developing well-structured, modular programs demonstrated by at least one of the following:

  • Strong performance in a programming course, such as Grade 11 or 12 Computer and Information Science.
  • Work experience related to programming.
  • Personal projects.

You will tell us about your programing experience within a written question as part of the online video interview.

Does Engineering rank schools or account for differences in obtaining high grades across schools? What is the adjustment factor?

Waterloo Engineering does apply an adjustment factor based on historical performance from a given school (first-year university averages minus final high school averages) over the past 6+ years. This helps us select applicants with the highest likelihood of success. 

This adjustment is only a small part of the overall admissions decision. The weight of academic performance, the Admission Information Form, and the online interview will have more of an impact on an applicant’s probability of receiving an offer. 

I completed the required courses for admission many years ago. Are they still valid? 

If a required course was taken more than 2-3 years ago it may be too old to be used as part of your application. To ask if you need to retake any of the required courses to qualify for admission, please email the Admission Officer team at   

I have experienced exceptional circumstances or challenges that impacted my academics. How do you account for this? 

Admission Information Form (AIF)

What types of extracurriculars do you want to see on my AIF?

We are not looking for specific extracurricular activities since many are dependent on individual interest and what is available. Instead, we look for examples of initiative, leadership, time management and people skills and a range of interests and involvement. Having a part-time or summer job is particularly useful when applying to a co-op program.

What happens if I do not complete my Admissions Information Form (AIF) by the deadline?  

The AIF is a mandatory part of an application to all engineering programs (excluding Architecture). If it is not completed by the AIF/document deadline on January 31st, then your application will be denied.


Online video interview

What is the online video interview?

The online video interview is another way for us to get to know you and what has motivated you to apply to the Waterloo Engineering program you have selected. It consists of a pre-recorded question that you will watch and then record your response. It is not a live interview.

In addition to the standard video question the following programs require an additional question:

  • Software Engineering applicants will also have one written question where they will list and explain their experience with programing languages.  
  • Applicants to Systems Design Engineering will answer a second video question that will be used when considering individuals for the Kish Hahn Memorial Award

Is the online video interview required?

All applicants will be invited to complete the online video interview. This is an optional part of an application except when applying to Software Engineering.

Software Engineering applicants will need to use a written component of the interview to explain their computer science/programing experience, which is a mandatory part of a Software Engineering application.

What happens if I do poorly on the online video interview? 

The online video interview is another way for Engineering Admissions to get to know you just like the AIF. Just be yourself and provide honest answers. We understand that you may be nervous and not have a polished response to the question and that is okay and to be expected. Our goal is to simply learn more about your reasons for applying to the program you have selected. Admission decisions are made after reviewing an applicant’s full application. A decision will not be made based on the interview alone.