Residence Application Form

Residence applications are now being accepted for:

  • Spring 2025
  • All terms in the 2025/26 academic year

Important: This is not an application for academic admission. Acceptance to Conrad Grebel residence is contingent upon being admitted to an academic program at the University of Waterloo.

Take Note: This application requires you to respond to 9 short answer questions with a maximum word count of 200 words each. As this document cannot be saved within the application, please prepare your answers in a separate document then cut and paste them into the correct field when prompted. Below are the questions. A photo is requested prior to submission. This photo will not be published unless/until you have signed a contract with Grebel, at which time a photo release form will be issued.

  1. How did you hear about Grebel?
  2. Choose one or two experiences over the past 3 years and describe their impact/influence on you (ie: academics, sports, music, travel, art, drama, writing, clubs, faith experience, etc.).
  3. Describe yourself ─ your personality, qualities, characteristics, etc.
  4. What current issues concern you and why (ie: environmental, political, cultural, social justice, etc.)?
  5. What are your future goals and interests and how do they relate to your program choice at UWaterloo?
  6. Grebel encourages community engagement. There are intramural teams, clubs, choirs, ensembles, student leadership positions, chapel, service trips, musicals and much more. Where could you see yourself getting involved?
  7. Grebel teaches UWaterloo courses in the following subject areas: Peace and Conflict Studies, Music, History, Religious Studies, Sociology and Mennonite Studies. These courses address big questions of life, help us understand the world and inspire civic responsibility. As such, residents are encouraged to take a Grebel course (or courses) taught by Grebel faculty. As opportunities arise for you to choose a Grebel course, which subject areas interest you and why?
  8. Grebel is rooted in Christian values from an Anabaptist/Mennonite tradition. We promote emotional, spiritual and intellectual growth. We emphasize the importance of reason and imagination, equity and inclusion, faith and action, integrity and personal commitment. In this community you will be supported and challenged. Elaborate on why you want to live in a residence with these emphases.
  9. Grebel is a residence community with students from 1st – 4th year. Explain why you think this is important and share your interest and ability to make a multi-year residence commitment.

If you encounter any issues when submitting this form, please contact Student Services @