Programs- Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering Graduate Studies

You can choose between research-based or course-based master's program or maybe you are ready for a doctoral program. Each department offers a range of programs to get you on your future career track! 

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For Full-time students, the PhD is a 4-years program, and the MASc is a 2-years program. You will be taking 3 to 5 courses plus an original research and thesis. On Top of the guaranteed minimum funding provided, the students are eligible for TA and RA. No supervisor is required at the application stage, a supervisor is needed to get an offer of admission. Visit our Research and supervisors page with the details about how to contact them.

For part-time students, the PhD is an 8-years program, and the MASc is a 4-years program. You will be taking X to X courses plus an original research and thesis.  Part-time students are not eligible for minimum funding.

Students have the option to apply to the Collaborative program in Nanotechnology.

Visit the Future Students page to find full description of programs and admission information.

Doctoral (PhD)

Exceptional MASc applicants may be considered for direct-entry to the PhD program from a bachelor’s program. Applicants interested in being considered for a direct-entry PhD should include a statement to that effect in their Supplementary Information Form (SIF) when applying to the MASc.

Master of Applied Science (MASc)

Undergraduate students at the University of Waterloo have the option to enrol in the Accelerated Master’s program to accomplish some of the work required for a MASc degree. 

Nanotechnology Collaborative Program

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) and Master of Applied Science (MASc) Mechanical and Mechatronics - Nanotechnology​

The University of Waterloo offers the first MASc and PhD programs in Nanotechnology of its kind in Canada.​

The interdisciplinary research program, jointly offered by three departments in the Faculty of Science and four in the Faculty of Engineering, provide students with a stimulating educational environment that spans from basic research through to application. The goal of the collaborative program is to allow students to gain perspectives on nanotechnology from a wide community of scholars within and outside their disciplines in both course and thesis work.​

Admission Requirements are the same as those for MASc and PhD in Mechanical Engineering. For further information, please visit the engineering collaborative program page and the nanotechnology program page.

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Master of Engineering (MEng) ​

For Full-time students, the MEng is a 1 or 1 year and a half program (4 terms-16 months). You will be taking 8 to 9 courses and you don’t need a supervisor or research. It is a student self-funded program, and there is no guaranteed minimum funding. Students have the option to apply directly to the Co-operative program.

For part-time students, the MEng is a 2 or 2 year and a half program (8 terms-32 months). You will be taking X courses  

Visit the Future Students page to find full description of programs and admission information.


  • Option to specialize in  Green Energy.​

  • Option to earn a Graduate Diploma on Fire Safety in conjunction with the MEng degree, with no extra cost. See full description here.

  • Students can apply directly to the Master of Engineering Co-operative program, that includes one term of professional work as part of the studies.​

Admission Requirements

Find the MME admission requirements on the Graduate Studies and postdoctoral affairs (GSPA) Academic Calendar and start to prepare the application documents to give enough time to upload them by the deadline date.  

Only for the research-based PhD and MASc programs, the admission depends on the student finding a suitable supervisor. You don’t need a supervisor to apply, so we suggest that you apply, upload all materials and then start the process of trying to make contact with the faculty members in the Mechanical and Mechatronics research area(s) that you are interested in. Follow the steps and advice about how to find a supervisor.​​

For answers to specific questions, please feel free to contact us:​
Graduate Admissions and Recruitment Administrator​

Fees, Scholarships and Awards

Budgeting is ones of the most important factors when it comes to planning your graduate studies. Find out about tuition and budget, and the MME funding and scholarship opportunities. ​

Research-based students have minimum guaranteed funding. Course-based students are expected to be self-funded. ​

Visit the Funding, Scholarships and Awards page with full description and details. 

MME Staff Contact Information

1. Graduate Administrator (MEng and MASc)

I can help you with...

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Karen Schooley, and

Location: E7 3314

2. Graduate Admission & Recruitment Administrator

I can help you with...

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Mat Walton,

Location: E7 3318

3. Graduate Funding Coordinator

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Tanya Yowoeski,

Location: E7 3312

4. Graduate Administrator (PhD)

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Jian Zou,

Location: E7 3316