Community and hospitality are important values at Grebel, especially in the residence. During the work day, these value are fostered by the Student Services team, but during non-business hours, the Don team and Campus Hosts take over. The Campus Hosts support residents at Grebel by providing a safe space to talk, administering basic first aid, locking up the building, and letting students into their rooms when they lock themselves out.
“The role is titled ‘Campus Hosts’ to convey a sense of hospitality,” stated Paul Penner, Director of Operations. “We hope that students and other visitors to the College receive a warm welcome to Grebel, and the Campus Hosts are part of that team, especially after hours when the main office is closed. The Campus Hosts are also an important resource to the Dons and resident students because they know the buildings well and are fully trained in emergency response.”
For the past two and a half years, Colin and Faith Friesen have been the campus hosts, interacting with the 142 students living in the dorms, as well as off-campus associates who view Grebel as a home base on the University of Waterloo campus.
Colin commented, “Campus hosting presents a unique opportunity to be a leadership presence at a seminal time in people's lives. Being able to hear the stories and see the development of young adults as they go through university is a gift. You're never far from an interesting conversation or a big moment in someone's life.”
“It's been awesome working with one another as a team,” Faith added. “Colin and I rarely worked together before but this role has caused us to brainstorm, communicate, and learn about our leadership styles as a couple.”
Colin and Faith also brought their daughter Ronen who was 6 months old when they moved into Grebel during the Summer of 2018.
Faith said, “We weren’t quite sure at first, but raising Ronen here has been the best decision we've made in her life so far. It takes a village to raise a child or, in our case, a dorm.”
Campus Hosting is also an opportunity for the couple to remember the days of university and community living. Campus Hosts participate in community suppers and banquets, wander the halls, get to know students, binge watch movies, attend coffee houses, and make memories.
“The community is the best part,” Faith added, “especially the students. Our life is never dull and is filled with fun. We will be carrying so many stories and memories.”
In exchange for supporting the residents and Don team, the Campus Hosts get to live in a small apartment in the residence rent-free throughout their two-year contract.
Colin stated, “It's an honour to be part of a team with Student Services and with the Dons, where everyone is so committed to creating healthy, communal living. I've learned so much, and I think Grebel really has something special.”
Conrad Grebel University College, a residence and teaching community affiliated with the University of Waterloo, seeks a married couple for the position of Campus Hosts, beginning spring/summer 2021. The role involves living in an apartment in the College’s residence building and supervising the College during non-business hours. Rent and utilities are free in exchange for performance of duties. Applicants should be mature, responsible, and able to relate to a broad range of people, especially students in residence.
Application deadline is January 25, 2021. Read the full job description.