Eby, Benjamin. Die gemeinschaftliche Liedersammlung : zum allgemeinen Gebrauch des wahren Gottesdienstes : aus vielen Liedernbüchern

gesammelt, und mit einem Inhalt sammt Register versehen. -. 1. Aufl. -. Berlin, (Ober Canada): H.W. Peterson, 1836.
This is the first book in the German language printed in Canada, and the first book printed in Waterloo Region. It is possibly also the first book of any kind printed in the interior of Canada. This "community songbook" was compiled by Mennonite Bishop Benjamin Eby out of content from two Pennsylvania Mennonite hymnals. The Liedersammlung was used by the Mennonite Church in Ontario until 1902, and is still in use in subsequent printings by Old Order Mennonites.
This copy is a first edition. It was purchased by Conrad Grebel University College from a local bookseller in 1978, who had purchased it from an antique dealer in Guelph. Prior to that, its provenance is unknown.
Die Gemeinschaftliche Liedersammlung (part 1)
Die Gemeinschaftliche Liedersammlung (part 2)
Further reading
Beltrame, Julian. "Old Hymnal Recovered." Kitchener-Waterloo Record, July 22, 1978.
Diller Harder, Mark and Lawrence Martin. "Sing It Again: A Brief Survey of Two Centuries of Mennonite Church Music in Ontario." Ontario Mennonite History XVI, no. 1 (May 1998): 8-10.
Draper, Barb. "Church and Community Life of Waterloo Mennonites in the 19th Century." Ontario Mennonite History XXI no. 1(May 2003): 2-3.
Horst, Isaac R. Lieder-Sammlung Commentary : Self-helps for the Gemeinschaftliche Lieder-Sammlung. Mount Forest, Ont: I.R. Horst, 1988.
_____. Lieder-Sammlung Tunes. Mount Forest, Ont: I.R. Horst, [197?].
Jernigan, Amanda. Years, Months, and Days : Poems. Windsor, Ont.: Biblioasis, 2019.
Labadie, Colin (music) and Amanda Jernigan (lyrics). "Years, Months and Days." Commissioned for Menno Singers and Inter Arts Matrix, 2017.