

The Conrad Grebel Review (CGR) is a multi-disciplinary peer-reviewed journal of Christian inquiry devoted to advancing thoughtful, sustained discussions of theology, peace, society, and culture from broadly-based Anabaptist/Mennonite perspectives. 

We welcome submissions of articles, reflections, and responses.  We follow the current edition of the Chicago Manual of Style in most matters.  Please consult our Style Guide below.

I. Articles

Articles are original works of scholarship engaged in conversation with the relevant disciplinary literature, written in a lively style appealing to the educated non-specialist reader, and properly referenced.  Maximum length is 7,500 words, excluding notes; shorter articles are especially welcome.  Abstracts are not required. Manuscripts are typically sent in blind copy to two peer reviewers.  Evaluation is based on subject matter, relevance, observance of standards of evidence and argumentation, and readability.  Receipt of a manuscript does not guarantee publication.  Accepted papers are subject to copy editing, and are submitted to authors for approval and correction before publication.

II. Reflections

Reflections are thoughtful and/or provocative pieces that draw on personal expertise and experience. These submissions may, for instance, be homilies, speeches or essays, and while held to the same standard as articles, they are generally free of scholarly apparatus. Length should not exceed 3,000 words. Reflections are subject to copy editing, and are submitted to authors for approval and correction before publication.

III. Responses

Responses are replies to articles either recently published in CGR or appearing in the same issue by special arrangement. Length is negotiable.

IV. Refractions

Refractions -- original works of creative fiction, poetry, or non-fiction -- are solicited by CGR’s Literary Editor and are independent of the main submission process.

V. Book Reviews

Book Reviews offering summaries of and comments on new titles in a wide array of fields are managed by CGR’s Book Review Editor, and are independent of the main submission process.

VI. Book Review Essays

Review essays engage at length with a significant, recently published book, or with several thematically linked books. These essays differ from CGR’s standard two-page brief book reviews, for example, in more fully elaborating an argument or position on the volume’s main thesis, drawing on additional sources, or analyzing the “state of the question” in a specific sub-field.     

Submission Procedure

Send submissions electronically as an attachment in WORD to Kyle Gingerich Hiebert, Editor. Include your full name, brief biographical information, and institutional affiliation in the e-mail message.

CGR acknowledges receipt of submissions immediately, and keeps authors informed throughout the peer-review process.

Style Guide

  • CGR employs traditional “humanities” style (footnotes numbered in the text), not “social science” (author, date) style for citations.
  • CGR uses American spelling.
  • Headings are helpful. Please use only one level.
  • Wherever possible, employ gender-inclusive language.
  • Use active rather than passive voice.
  • First-person singular pronouns are acceptable within reason.
  • Avoid “the editorial we.”
  • Limit the use of italicization for emphasis.
  • If possible, transliterate into English orthography any material in Hebrew, Greek, or other languages likely unfamiliar to most readers.

A Note on Notes

  • Use Notes primarily for direct citation of sources.  If listing occasion-related sources (“see also…”), be VERY selective. 
  • Generally avoid argumentative excurses in Notes. If such excurses are crucial to the article, include them in the main text.
  • Do not include a bibliography.

Citation Style

Michael Walzer, Exodus and Revolution (New York: Basic Books, 1985), 61.

Chapter in edited book
Brad S. Gregory, “Reformation History and Ecumenism: Problems and Prospects,” in Martyrdom in an Ecumenical Perspective, ed. Peter C. Erb (Kitchener, ON: Pandora Press, 2007), 17-37.

Article in academic journal
Donald B. Kraybill, "Mennonite Women's Veiling," Mennonite Quarterly Review 61 (1987): 298-99.

Article in academic journal without consecutive pagination in all volumes
Daniel H. Weiss, “Just Peacemaking and Ethical Formation in Classical Rabbinic Literature,” The Conrad Grebel Review 30, no. 1 (Winter 2012): 76-95.

Article in popular press
Rudy Wiebe, “Peace shall destroy many,” Canadian Mennonite, March 29, 2024, 14-19.

Article in online journal
Cynthia Hess, “Resisting Terrorism: From Collective Trauma to Nonviolent Response,” Journal of Religion, Conflict, and Peace 1, no. 2 (Spring 2008). (accessed August 13, 2012).

Other internet sources
(Include the full URL, generally without “http://” and with the date accessed.)
Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada, “Our Mandate,”, (accessed August 13, 2012).

Subsequent citations
Gregory, “Reformation History and Ecumenism,” 18.
Ibid., 25-26.
Walzer, Exodus and Revolution, 65.
Kraybill, “Mennonite Women’s Veiling,” 302; italics added.