In a letter to the college community on December 12, Dawn Regier, Chair of the Board of Governors of Conrad Grebel University College, wrote:
The Board of Governors is very pleased to announce that we have re-appointed Dr. Henry Paetkau to a 4-year term as president, beginning in January 2007.

The board committee recently conducted a review of Paetkau’s first 3 years in office that solicited feedback from a wide variety of individuals within and external to the college community. The 17-member Board of Governors includes representatives from Mennonite Church Eastern Canada, alumni, and other community leaders.
Conrad Grebel University College is an affiliated college at the University of Waterloo and teaches over 3,600 students in the Faculty of Arts while also connecting over 230 students to its residence program. Conrad Grebel also grants a Master of Theological Studies and in the last number of years the college’s graduate program has undergone significant growth.
Fiscally, the college has balanced its operating budget for 9 straight years and recently underwent a $4.9 million capital expansion. Endowment funds for scholarships and programs at the college stand at $2.7 million.
The college community is blessed to have been guided by the solid leadership of President Paetkau over the past three years, and I am fully confident that Grebel can become an even stronger and more vital institution under Henry's continued leadership,
says Regier.
Paetkau says
it’s a wonderful privilege to be part of what’s happening at Grebel. The college is poised to build on the strengths of its unique programs, its outstanding faculty and staff, and its strong constituency support. I look forward to leading Grebel through its next phase of growth and development.