Library named after visionary

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

In a bold move and example of visionary leadership fifty years ago, Milton R. Good spearheaded the establishment of Conrad Grebel College on the campus of the University of Waterloo. Together with Norman High, Harvey Taves, John W. Snyder, and Henry H. Epp, the dream of a residential college for Mennonite students studying at university in non-theological disciplines took shape.

Milton Good served as the inaugural chair of the college’s Board of Governors from 1961-1970. He then served on the executive as treasurer or member-at-large until 1982. Following this twenty years of service, he continued to support the college for the rest of his life. Good Foundation Inc., established by Milton and his family, has been a key vehicle for providing financial support, including the Good Scholarship along with other annual donations and special projects. Milton's son, John, served as library clerk at Grebel for 34 years until his retirement in 2011 and James Good, Milton's eldest son, served on the Board of Governors from 2000 to 2006, including two years as chair.

Conrad Grebel is pleased to recognize Milton Good's pivotal leadership and the Good Foundation's exceptional generosity. The college has created a lasting reminder for future generations of students, faculty, and visitors by naming its Library the Milton Good Library at Conrad Grebel University College. This gift is being made in the context of a matching gift from Wallenstein Feed Charitable Foundation in support of this naming opportunity, for which the college and Good Foundation Inc. are deeply grateful.

The Milton Good Library, currently located in the existing Academic Building, will be expanded with the addition of a new facility directly adjacent to the existing Library. The Milton Good Library encompasses all library-related spaces on level 3 of the Academic Building, including any space occupied by the collection or used in the administration of the Mennonite Archives of Ontario. The Milton Good Library collection is focused on the academic programs of Conrad Grebel University College, which currently include Music, Peace and Conflict Studies, Mennonite Studies, as well as Theology and Religious Studies.

Bert Lobe, Board of Governors Chair, says:

The Board of Governors and the college community is enormously grateful for this very generous gift. We are pleased to recognize the life-long contribution of the founding chair of the Board of Governors, Milton Good, in this way. This clearly establishes the Good family's commitment to the academic programs and pursuits of Conrad Grebel University College.