Grebel Chaplain Leads with Open Heart and Wisdom
Jessica Reesor Rempel has been named Conrad Grebel University College’s permanent Chaplain, starting immediately. She has held the role of Interim Chaplain since August 2021, offering insight, energy, and mindfulness in all her interactions with students, staff, and faculty.
The Grebel community strongly affirms this appointment. "Jessica's understanding of chaplaincy is firmly planted in extensive experience and well-rounded training that includes both theological education and practical pastoral care and counselling,” said President Marcus Shantz. “During her service as Interim Chaplain, she demonstrated that she is relatable, grounded, and wise. She cares deeply about the Mennonite tradition and has good dreams for its future. I look forward to working with Jessica, and I know that our students do too," he added.

Jessica has focused her career on young adult ministry. She graduated from Grebel and the University of Waterloo with a Peace and Conflict Studies degree and earned a Master of Divinity at Emmanuel College at the Toronto School of Theology. She then co-founded Pastors in Exile, a progressive and affirming community-based ministry that seeks to empower young adults as they explore and deepen the spiritual meaning of their lives, world, work, and activism, which she has continued to lead for the last eight years. She also served as a chaplaincy intern at Parkwood Mennonite Home and held various roles with Mennonite Central Committee and Mennonite Church Eastern Canada, where she is an ordained minister.
Recognizing the complex faith context of a university, the Chaplain nurtures a sense of spirituality in students from a Mennonite perspective, with a respect for the diverse religious traditions and affiliations within the community. Each week, along with the Chapel Committee, the Chaplain plans a Chapel service open to all members of Grebel to worship and sing together. “I look forward to listening closely to the needs, interests and concerns of students, staff, and faculty as together we shape a Chapel program that reflects what Grebel has been and what Grebel is becoming,” noted Jessica.
"Jessie brings creativity, groundedness, and care to worship planning and student support at Grebel,” shared Arts student Selah Woelk, who has worked with Jessica on Grebel’s Chapel Committee. “She leads with an open heart, welcoming student leadership and making space for student voices to shape the Chapel program. Jessie has made a significant impact on students and the College during her time as Interim chaplain, and I am so grateful that she will be continuing on in the role!"
With Jessica’s extensive experience working with young adults, theological training, and first-hand knowledge of both Grebel’s residence and academic programs, she is well-suited for the role of Chaplain. “Since my own days as a Grebel student who was very involved in the Chapel Program, I have been intrigued by this ministry role that is focused on equipping and empowering young adults,” explained Jessica. “In the nearly two years that I served as Interim Chaplain, I have also discovered what a privilege it is to engage with students and staff not only in formal ways such as Chapel services, but also in informal ways such as conversation around the lunch table.” She added, “I realize how unique it is for students to have a home base while at University that is interested in their development as whole people who thrive in their academics and beyond. I am so excited to help to carry out this vision as the Chaplain.”
In addition to her permanent role as Chaplain, Jessica is currently Acting Director of Student Services until Grebel permanently fills the position.