Peace Camp draws enthusiastic youth
A mum wrote after the first day of Peace Camp on August 8:
Our son is still raving about his first day at Peace Camp. He told me all about how to do mediation on the way home!
J. had just practiced some peer mediation skills with Dr. Fae Samuels, a retired educator who specialized in bringing peer mediation into the schools in Toronto throughout her career as a principal.
Peace Camp, for a group of 18 youth aged 11-14 (Grade 6-8) is a new initiative at Conrad Grebel University College to get kids to think about peace and social justice issues, but with fun and games and lots of guest speakers. On Tuesday, they watched a drama put on by the University of Waterloo’s Sustainability Project group about choices and food issues. They also heard about Zambia from Daryl Good who recently returned from a Mennonite Central Committee volunteer experience in that country. On Wednesday, Herb Goldstein from Toronto told about his experiences in high school during the holocaust. In response one camper said,
It’s different hearing someone’s story out loud than reading about it in a book.
The “jam-packed and interesting program” was developed by Devon Spier, a fourth-year Peace and Conflict Studies and Religious Studies student at the University of Waterloo. Her staff team is very diverse. She says:
It’s an amazing experience to be a student from a Jewish background and be able to coordinate a Peace Camp with a wonderful team of two Muslims and a Catholic, hosted by a Mennonite institution.
The rest of the week will involve hearing about refugee issues, playing “Peace Camp Jeopardy,” and playing a Risk Game on nuclear Weapons and disarmament, brought by Scientists for Peace.
Lowell Ewert, the Director of Peace and Conflict Studies (the program that sponsored the Peace Camp at the college) says:
In light of recent events in England where concerns about youth are being expressed, it is even more important that we make and take opportunities to inspire our young people with the idea that they can make positive changes in their world.
On Friday, August 12 at 11:00am in the Great Hall at Conrad Grebel University College, there will be an Art Show where parents and the community are invited to see and hear from the youth about their experiences. All are welcome.
Peace Camp was co-sponsored by Mennonite Savings and Credit Union, House of Friendship, Interfaith Grand River, and was assisted with a grant from Service Canada.