Grebel’s original 60-year-old residence building has been a beloved home to decades of students, but it now requires urgent improvements to the air handling systems, washrooms, and plumbing infrastructure. These essential upgrades will enhance the building's overall functionality and efficiency, and contribute significantly to environmental goals, as well as student satisfaction and comfort.
You're invited to attend the launch of Grebel's "Windows to the Future" campaign, a residence renewal project.
Stop by Grebel on Tuesday, October 8 at 4:30 PM to hear details about the project from President Marcus Shantz, Board Chair Andy Roth, and Director of Operations Mimi Browne. Stay for refreshments, visit with students, staff, faculty, and board members, and learn how you can help create an inviting and environmentally responsible space for the next generation of Grebelites.

“Grebel is a space where everyone is welcome, which means that it is so important for our residence to have gender neutral washrooms. Every student who lives in Grebel's halls should have a space where they are comfortable, safe, and given access to all facilities without needing to ask." - Abby Kreuger, 3rd-year Arts, EDI-R officer
Building Accessibility
This event will take place on the main floor of the building, in the Dining Room. For information on parking, and building access, please visit our building accessibility webpage.