Call to Discussion - The Church in Canada is Declining
The number of Christian-affiliated Canadians has dropped by more than 200,000 people. 800,000 affiliates have left the United Church of Canada since 2011. Canada’s Catholic representation is down 15% since 1996 and statistics predict the Anglicanism could be gone by 2040. While a selection of media reports may sound daunting, is the situation really that dire?
The last few years of the pandemic have brought these issues of the Church in Canada to the forefront, and leaders are eager to engage and discuss these concerns. The Conflict Management Certificate Program (CMCP) at Conrad Grebel University College, in partnership with Credence & Company, is hosting a day of similar discourse in Waterloo, Ontario. Join Betty Pries, Derek Suderman and Paul Okoye to unpack the research and numbers, reflect on scripture, and discuss opportunities to respond to these challenges.
Pastors, ministers, lay leaders, and church members are invited to a full-day, interactive event where top Christian scholars and facilitators will lead a discussion on how to creatively engage with issues affecting the Church in Canada. The day will consist of instruction and conversation on current research surrounding the Church’s landscape. Attendees will consider questions like:
As churches emerge from major societal disruption, how has the conversation regarding the future of the Canadian church changed?
How do we attend to the key challenges of our time?
What opportunities are before us?
“While we don’t have all the answers, we are excited by an ecumenical day of conversation with engaging contributors,” said Sue Baker, Manager of the CMCP Program. “We anticipate a dynamic day of discussion on this contemporary and important topic.” CMCP is also home to the Conflict Management and Congregational Leadership (CMCL) certificate, where students gather in workshop settings for professional development in church leadership skills, with a focus on managing conflict.

This conference takes place at Conrad Grebel University College on October 12 from 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM. You can also opt to experience the full interactive event virtually. Book it in your calendar.
In Person
$ 75 + HST (for first member from a congregation)
$ 50 + HST (for additional members of the same congregation)
In person includes refreshments, parking, and lunch
$ 35.00 + HST
By Farhan Saeed