The Grebel community extends beyond graduation day.
We’re here to support you and offer opportunities to stay connected with and give back to Grebel - now and in the future. Our new stragetic plan includes a goal to help our current students by connecting them with alumni - as Community Supper speakers, panelists, and sharing your stories in Grebel Now or connecting on Social Media.
Join your Grebel peers at our annual reunions, alumni gatherings, and Grebel events and stay connected.
Reunions and Events
Annual Alumni Reunions are open to all Conrad Grebel Alumni. A different era is highlighted each year. This means that we make a special invitation to those who lived, or studied at Grebel during these years. You may have graduated 1, 2 or even 10 years after these dates, but if they are the significant ones for you, then we want you to return to Grebel and reconnect with your old friends.

September 2022 Alumni gathering in Vancouver.
The Alumni Committee also plans a variety of events each year. These have included Toronto Raptors and Ottawa Senators games, and Doon Heritage Village candlelight tours. We also host events in various locations such as Winnipeg, Vancouver, Toronto, Niagara, Leamington, Lancaster, San Jose and Ottawa. Please ensure we have your current address so you receive targeted invitations to events in your area.
Each year the alumni committee welcomes new grads at our Grad Class Send Off.
Support Grebel
You can support Grebel with a credit card gift through our donation page. Choose from the Grebel Annual Fund, the Green Fund, Student Scholarships, and other specific destinations for your gift.
Grebel Now
The College's magazine is produced twice a year. In it you will find articles on alumni, faculty, current students as well as feature articles and information on programs and events at the college. You can receive Grebel Now whether you are an Alumni or not; it's free. If you are not receiving Grebel Now, and would like to, contact Alison Enns.

Development at Grebel
The annual fund at Grebel comprises about 8% of our budget and our target this year is $400,000. Please visit our advancement webpage or email Fred W. Martin for more information.
Alumni committee

Michael Shum '11, chair, Nancy Regehr '68, Larry Cornies '75, Steve (Berg) Martin '88, Gideon Prins '01, Brenda (Shantz) Prins '02, Nancy Dykstra '84