Invest in people who are working toward peace, in their communities or abroad. The Centre for Peace Advancement connects stands as a bridge between campus and community, academics and practice, and faith and justice, as it connects peacebuilders to work collaboratively and creatively.
Please consider a gift to the annual Grebel Fund this year. Your donation supports peace startups, curates art exhibits, engages with the community, and funds peace-related research projects
Your support for the Kindred Credit Union Centre for Peace Advancement will help to:
- Support peace start-ups in the Grebel Peace Incubator
- Curate and promote art exhibits on peace themes
- Organize events to engage the community on issues of peace
- Initiate mediation and peace building training
- Fund peace-related research projects
Your support for the Grebel Fund will make it possible to:
- offer quality academic programs,
- nurture leadership development, and
- reach our goal of $10,000 in the CPA for program support.

The Grebel Fund supports portions of programs that are not covered by tuition fees and grants, like the Kindred Credit Union Centre for Peace Advancement.
Make a credit card donation on Grebels pledge page. Simply select the fund at Grebel you wish to support and fill in your details. Your receipt for online donations will come from the University of Waterloo. Thanks!
To learn more about how your gift to the Kindred Credit Union Centre for Peace Advancement will impact Grebel students, contact Fred W. Martin, Director of Development. 519-885-0220 x24381

Grebel has affected my idea of connection by teaching me the importance of having diverse perspectives. In the PeaceTech Living-Learning Community we have members from every faculty and I find that having those different backgrounds really enriches the discussions we have.
- KYLE DYCK, Computer Engineering

My favourite thing about the PeaceTech Living-Learning Community is the diversity in people that it brings together. At the same time, PeaceTechers are united by a shared desire to use their degrees to do good in the world. At a time where it can feel like the headlines are consistently negative, it is uplifting to know that there are so many people guided by a desire to create a better world.
- EMMA KIRKE, Resources, and Sustainability