Sergei Prokofiev wrote the story and composed the music for Peter and the Wolf in 1936. It was written in two weeks for a children's theatre in Moscow. He wrote the music as a child's introduction to the orchestra with each character being represented by an instrument or group of instruments. Peter and the Wolf was an immediate success and continues to be enjoyed today by children all over the world.
For Peter and the Wolf, The KW Woodwind Quintet will be joined by narrator by Mark Vuorinen. In addition, the quintet will perform Mozart's Variations on Ah! Vous dirai-je, Maman (known to many as Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star) and and excerpt of Mozart's Horn Concerto in F, played on a garden hose.
Wendy Wagler (flute), Sarah Cardwell (oboe), Barbara Hankins (clarinet), Heather Carruthers (bassoon), Trevor Wagler (horn). Suitable for all ages, perfect for a March Break event.