New TMTC Director brings enthusiasm and vision
Dr. Kyle Gingerich Hiebert has been appointed Director of the Toronto Mennonite Theological Centre (TMTC), beginning July 4, 2017.
Dr. Kyle Gingerich Hiebert has been appointed Director of the Toronto Mennonite Theological Centre (TMTC), beginning July 4, 2017.
University of Waterloo students and staff gathered for a vigil on Friday, March 31, 2017 at the Student Life Centre to honour the lives of students lost to suicide and raise mental-health awareness.
100 university students. 200 hours of rehearsal. 3 performances. 76 trombones.
Every two years, Conrad Grebel University College students band together to launch a completely student run musical – a true community building endeavor. This year’s show is The Music Man by Meredith Wilson, and involves students across every faculty at the University of Waterloo, from first to fourth year. Even as they approach the end of term crush of final projects and exams, these driven young adults are pouring their talent and energy into directing, producing, and performing.
During recent days we have shared the widespread sorrow and concern about attitudes, policies, and actions that have resulted in suspicion, fear, violence, and death. We have stopped in silence and prayer to grieve the deaths, wounds, and shattered families of Muslims in Quebec City who were attacked while gathered with their community for prayer. We have stood and walked in solidarity with those expressing outrage and profound concern about the statements and policies of leaders who foster suspicion, fear, division, and exclusion by closing borders and revoking visas.
WATERLOO, ON -- Tesatawiyat means Come in in the Mohawk language. In that spirit, the Grebel Gallery invites the public to come in to enjoy a community art project featuring 19 photographs of First Nations families in their homes.
A website showcasing 80,000 photographs of Mennonite life was shortlisted for the Governor General’s History Award for Excellence in Community Programming. The Mennonite Archival Image Database (MAID) is a partnership of eight Mennonite archives.
A presidential search process for Conrad Grebel University College is well underway to replace Susan Schultz Huxman who was recruited to serve as president at Eastern Mennonite University in Virginia. Jim Pankratz began his role as interim president following the annual general meeting on October 1, 2016 and will serve until a successful candidate is in place.
Conrad Grebel University College in the University of Waterloo invites applications for a full-time regular faculty position in Music Theory in the Department of Music, to begin July 1, 2017. Review of applications will begin November 1, 2016. This is a regular, full-time, tenure-track position that involves undergraduate teaching, scholarship, service, and community education. The core teaching area is Music Theory which includes direction and oversight of the music theory program and courses in music theory. In addition, teaching may include compositio
While exploring ideas of peace, war, nonviolence, conflict resolution, mediation, human rights, development, and social justice, Peace and Conflict Studies (PACS) students often wonder where their degree will lead after graduation. While many graduates gravitate toward careers in law, international development, governmental policy, and teaching, more and more students are embracing an entrepreneurial spirit and are creating their own jobs in the peace industry.
WATERLOO -- Two hundred peacebuilding academics and practitioners will meet at Conrad Grebel University College at the University of Waterloo for a four-day event, June 9-12, 2016.