Welcome to Grebel


Grebel is home to an enthusiastic residence community on the campus of the University of Waterloo. Join this friendly community of people who are dedicated to making Grebel an amazing place to live and grow. Meet some of Grebels current students. Take an in-person or virtual tour. Discover leadership opportunities. Apply now to live in the residence.


Study with and get to know professors in a community-oriented learning environment. Grebel teaches within the Arts faculty at the University of Waterloo, administering the Music and Peace and Conflict Studies departments at Waterloo, and offering additional undergraduate courses in Arts, History, Mennonite Studies, Religious Studies, and Sociology. Grebel also offers two masters level graduate programs in Theological Studies and Peace and Conflict Studies.


Queerness and theology do not always play well together. Ever since the word “homosexual” entered the English-language Bible (1946, RSV,) many of our own local, western Christian groups have been working hard to exclude LGBTQ+ folks from the family of God. This intentional exclusion and constant discrimination has resulted in high rates of suicide and suicidal ideation, depression, anxiety, substance use, chronic stress, and general mistrust of religious institutions. No Christian space is exempt from this legacy, and we must all learn to do better.

“Writing illuminates our interior world and sometimes, illuminates the world for others,” wrote Sandy Conrad, Master of Theological Studies (MTS) student at Conrad Grebel University College. “Personal and honest stories have the greatest impact on the reader.” During the winter 2022 term, Sandy offered an eight-week creative writing workshop, where current MTS students and other alumni gathered to explore unique styles of writing and build confidence in their writing.
