Fall Term Changes to COVID Protocols

Friday, September 3, 2021

For complete information on the University of Waterloo's response to COVID-19, visit UWaterloo's Coronavirus website.

As the start of the fall 2021 school year approaches, Grebel is welcoming students, faculty, and staff back to campus. With a near-normal presence on campus, staff and faculty aim to be available to students by arranged meeting. Grebel is offering a mix of online and in-person courses with spacing and capacity limits for in-person classes.

All students, staff, and faculty must provide proof of vaccination against COVID-19, although accommodations are available. Visitors, including rental groups, are also required to present proof of vaccination and use UWaterloo’s online Campus Check-In system. Visitors to the Grebel campus are encouraged to schedule their visit with a staff or faculty member. 

Masks are required indoors at Grebel.

Student Services
Students living in the Grebel residence must be fully vaccinated. Full details are available on the website, including a list of frequently asked questions. Associate students will be allowed in common spaces at Grebel. Staff are working on site to support students, to provide a warm and hospitable living environment, and to foster a thriving student life with safe gatherings and events.

Library and Archives
The Milton Good Library at Grebel is open for pickup of previously-ordered library materials. Reference help is available in-person and remotely. Drop-in, individual quiet study tables are available; we ask that seating preference be given to Grebel and University of Waterloo students. Beginning September 7, Library hours are 8:30am-7pm M-Th and 8:30am-4:30pm on Fridays. The book stacks, study carrels and group study rooms are not currently accessible. The Mennonite Archives of Ontario may be accessed by appointment. Services and hours may change so check the Library services webpage for updates.

Kindred Credit Union Centre for Peace Advancement
The Centre for Peace Advancement may be visited by appointment and CPA participants may work on campus if they are vaccinated. After September 7, visitors to the Grebel Gallery exhibit “Not Traumatic Enough for a Shock Blanket” are welcome by appointment and proof of vaccination. To visit the Grebel Gallery in-person, please submit your request.

Music Programming
Music Ensembles will be operating with further health protocols such as masking and spacing to ensure a safe musical environment. Noon hour concerts and end-of-term concerts will be recorded with a preselected audience and released to the public on YouTube and the Music website.

Grebel Dining Room
At this time, only resident students may serve themselves from the cafeteria – the serving line is not open to the public. Students, staff, and faculty are welcome to eat in the dining room with their own food but need to use trays. Associates and employees may use the Kitchenette to prepare lunches. Table surfaces will be wiped after use.

Sign in and out protocols