The Layton Lab is producing videos to communicate research impact to a broad, non-academic audience.
The Lab is directed by Anita Layton, Canada 150 Research Chair in Mathematical Biology and Medicine, professor of applied mathematics, computer science, pharmacy, and biology, and the Faculty of Mathematics’ associate dean for research and international.
The Layton Lab includes postdoctoral fellows, PhD and master’s researchers and undergraduate research assistants.
The Lab’s research focuses on computational physiology and medicine, which is highly technically involved. However, the Lab prioritizes knowledge translation and research communications through media releases and now also through video content.
“Communicating about science, online and ‘out there’ in the world, is crucial, arguably now more than ever,” Layton said. “Most of the time we tend to limit our conversations to other scientists and academics. Yet it’s bridging the gap between the ‘academic world’ and the general, non-scientist public that can ultimately inform public decision-making.”
The videos are relatively brief, use plain language that will be accessible to a public audience, incorporate vivid graphics, imagery, and captions, and have a straightforward narrative structure.
Check out some of the recent videos below: