The Faculty of Mathematics has contracted with Crowdmark Inc. to provide campus-wide on-line midterm/exam marking and results distribution starting Fall 2015 for all course instructors who are interested.
Students write exam papers with Crowdmark-generated QR codes on each page. Exams are later scanned and uploaded to Crowdmark for marking.
Photo courtesy of Crowdmark, Inc.
Benefits include:
- faster marking (no paper handling/shuffling!)
- no mark transcription errors
- faster feedback to students
- no class time for hand-back
- the ability to mark from anywhere at anytime.
All UWaterloo instructors are welcome to attend a Crowdmark demonstration and workshop on
Wed. August 19
1:00-2:00 p.m.
in QNC 1502.
To actively participate in the live Crowdmark grading session, please bring a laptop, tablet or smartphone to the workshop and register by sending your uWaterloo email address to by Mon. August 17. Registration is not required to attend the demonstration.