If you figure things out week by week, you’ll do a lot better. It’s a common experience to not understand material in class. Try figuring it out yourself and if you can’t then go to the Mathematics Tutorial Centre or see your professors. As professors, most of us feel that our office hours are underused; we don’t get enough knocks on the door.
You’re an advisor for Mathematical Studies Program. What makes this program special to you?
The Mathematical Studies program is University of Waterloo’s equivalent of a major in mathematics at other universities. It’s an all round major in mathematics, without the specialization within mathematics, and that gives students the flexibility to take whichever courses they find interesting.
What is your favorite aspect of teaching?
Teaching comes naturally to me. The moment when I can see comprehension on the students’ faces, when I say something and I can see that something clicks, and I can see the student understands something they didn’t before; that is the most rewarding thing about teaching.
What would your advice be to prospective students?
Keep up day-by-day and week-by-week. Recognize when you need help. If something doesn’t make sense, go and ask someone about it; don’t leave it because if you leave everything for the week before exams, you won’t be able to absorb it.
In my spare time I play golf, and I have gotten a hole-in-one three times.
Read more about Professor Harmsworth.