Truth Values: One Girl’s Romp Through M.I.T.’s Male Math Maze
Truth Values: One Girl’s Romp Through M.I.T.’s Male Math Maze
Truth Values: One Girl’s Romp Through M.I.T.’s Male Math Maze
The Faculty of Mathematics invites you to join us at this celebratory event, hosted in honour of your accomplishments. Enjoy an evening of delicious food, receive a keepsake gift, make memories in our 360 photo booth, and hear inspirational speeches by the Dean of Mathematics, Mark Giesbrecht, and recent Math alumni.
Celebrate before you graduate!
Second, third and fourth year undergraduate students are invited to come out and learn more about graduate studies in Faculty of Mathematics.
There will be an overview of graduate studies in the Faculty of Mathematics including a brief description from each unit:
Meet and network with successful UWaterloo Computer Science (CS) alumni. Learn how to interview better, get the job you want and excel in your CS career.
Come for new connections, career advice, a fun night and tasty free food!
Due to a great response, registration is now closed! Please stay tuned for more CS alumni events in 2014.
Questions? Email Kate Jessop.
See event poster (PDF)!
Anna-Karin Tornberg, Professor of numerical analysis at the KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden.
We warmly invite you to attend the Actuarial Science Distinguished Practitioner Lecture featuring Cindy Forbes, BMath '79, executive vice-president and chief actuary of Manulife Financial.
Enjoy a free pizza lunch!
Speakers: Helen Bretzke and Peter Taylor, Queen's University
Second, third and fourth-year undergraduate students are invited to come out and learn more about graduate studies in Faculty of Mathematics.
There will be an overview of Graduate Studies in the Faculty of Mathematics including a brief description from:
Talk with departmental representatives and ask important questions.