A Letter of Permission allows students to take courses at another post-secondary institution. After you have closely read the requirements, read the procedures below, and have completed your application form, contact the Math Letter of Permission advisor using the email: mathlop@uwaterloo.ca.
Students in Good or Excellent standing are normally permitted to take non-math courses at other universities on a part-time basis during terms off-campus, provided that the courses are not explicitly required for their particular plan. A Letter of Permission may not be used for any Faculty of Mathematics course.
You must complete a Letter of Permission form before taking the course as the S&P Committee will not approve courses taken elsewhere for degree credit after the fact.
Grading scheme
Courses taken on a Letter of Permission will be recorded on a student's academic record as transfer credits (CR - credit granted) or transfer failures (TF - transfer failure).
- A grade of 60% or higher will be recorded as a credit.
- A grade of less than 50% will be recorded as a failure.
- Grades of 50%-59% will result in the course not being recorded on a student’s record.
It is the student's responsibility to ensure that an official transcript from the host institution is sent to the University of Waterloo within two months of the completion of the course. Otherwise, a transfer failure will be automatically recorded. Any changes a student wishes to make to an authorized Letter of Permission must be approved in advance by the S&P Committee.