Volunteer with your faculty!

Think About Math!
Think About Math! (TAM) is a workshop for young women and people of other gender identities under-represented in mathematics*. The workshop is designed to ignite enthusiasm for mathematics, demonstrating that math is fun, relevant, and leads to exciting careers. TAM participants will meet with University of Waterloo Math graduates in various career fields and participate in activities that explore a variety of applications of mathematics.
If you are interested in becoming a volunteer, please fill out this form.
Technovation Girls Waterloo is supported by a dedicated team of volunteers and community partners. Join us by getting involved in Technovation Girls.
Become a volunteer
Technovation Girls need many volunteers to make things happen (all folks welcome). People like you!
Role | Description | Time commitment |
Mentor | As a mentor, your primary role is to be a project manager for your team. Helping your team:
The three facets of a mentor are someone who helps with:
You don’t have to be an expert, but able to help the girls find solutions to their problems. Technical and non-technical mentors welcome. | ~ 2-3 hours a week |
Coach | Coaches provide feedback to teams in a one-on-one setting at designated workshops. These are folks who are interested in supporting the program but have less free time in their calendars. | 2-4 hours a month |
Speaker | Refining existing content or creating your own you can teach at organised workshops. A subject matter expert on the topic for which they’re speaking on. | ~2-3 hours per session |
Judge | Judges review submissions from teams, offer feedback and encourage teams to keep building. This helps strengthen team pitches for the global competition. | 30 minutes for training on evaluating submissions + ~3 hours for reviewing submissions. |
Become a community partner
Technovation Girls is funded through support from local companies. The partnership varies between companies and will look a little different in the 2020-2021 season. Partners can:
- Host a workshop, which includes providing an instructor and some coaches. Multiple companies can host together.
- Engage staff to be mentors to work with teams.
- Provide laptops (ones near retirement are welcome) for students who don't have access to a machine for the season.
- Pay for internet packages for students who need access to the internet during the season.
- Fund T-shirts for the girls and other swag.
- Offer prizes. Consider experiences for the girls, like tours of local companies, automatic acceptance into a youth developer program, or a summer internship. We’re open to ideas!
Spread the word
You can help Technovation Girls by spreading the word throughout the community! Spread the word within your place of work with colleagues and to parents.
If you are interested in getting involved, please reach out to the Chapter Ambassador at technovation@uwaterloo.ca.
Alumni Representative (MathSoc Board of Directors)
- The Mathematics Society 'MathSoc’ is the society that represents undergraduate math students. MathSoc’s Board provides strategic direction for MathSoc, ensuring it can properly function to meet students' needs and wants, as determined by MathSoc’s Council.
- The MathSoc Board has positions available for 2 Community Representatives who shall hold office for up to 2 years.
- The Board is mostly comprised of students however, for these positions, we are looking for anybody who would be able to provide a different perspective, or who has experience working giving guidance to small not-for-profits.
- The objective of having community representatives is to provide historical context or background from groups we wouldn’t normally be able to get input from (eg. Staff, Faculty, Graduates, KW Community).
- Questions can be sent to chair@mathsoc.uwaterloo.ca.
About the MathSoc Board:
- In addition to strategic guidance, the Board is tasked with, financial and HR oversight, however guidance for these matters can be provided by WUSA on request.
- The voting membership of the Board is made up of the 5 MathSoc Executives, 1 MathSoc Councillor, 6 other undergraduate Math students, and 2 community representatives.
Become a class representative
Faculty of Mathematics welcomes its alumni back to campus to celebrate their graduation anniversaries every year! Alumni Weekend in 2025 will take place on June 6-8. For a sample reunion program contact the Alumni Relations team.
Math Alumni Relations handles all reunion planning, administrative and promotional details and subsidizes the non-food costs of all 'official' reunion events. Class Reps are not expected to register classmates for these events. However, Class Reps are responsible for all planning, registration and financial details associated with any events they choose to create in addition to the official program.
While Math Alumni Relations actively promotes reunions, Class Representatives are essential to ensure strong alumni participation and a successful reunion. Each class celebrating their reunion needs at least one alumni volunteer Class Rep for each undergraduate department. Job sharing is encouraged, and up to three co-representatives per class are welcome.
Become an event volunteer
The Faculty of Mathematics hosts many events throughout the year. Most notably, lecture series, career panels and class reunions. Although these events are planned and administered by staff in the Faculty of Mathematics, alumni participation and volunteer assistance is always welcome and encouraged at our alumni events.
Alumni can assist with special events by consulting on the planning process, assisting with promotions or helping run the actual event. At any given event, alumni volunteers may be used to help set up a location, take registrations or introduce and thank speakers.
Join a committee
Work together to help classmates stay in touch, recognize outstanding achievements and organize alumni events.
Volunteer opportunities include Alumni Council, Focus Groups and Alumni Chapters
Be a guest speaker
Come back to campus and share your experiences and knowledge with current students.
Be a mentor
Offer your expertise and experience to a student aspiring to be a professional like you.
Volunteer opportunities include Think About Math! and Technovation Girls Waterloo
Funding Council for Mathematics Endowment Fund
Funding Council is the elected body that represents undergraduate students enrolled in Mathematics at the University of Waterloo to the Math Endowment Fund.
Each term, members are elected from the on-campus student body to be either year representatives or program representatives. These members meet to decide the allocation of the Fund's income between the various proposals that are received. Meetings traditionally happen towards the end of the term, in order to give applicants plenty of time to submit a detailed proposal for funding.
If you would like to be a representative on Funding Council, please fill out a Funding Council Nomination Form and submit it to the Executive Director by email. Please also clearly indicate in your email which committee position you wish to nominate yourself for.
If you are interested in becoming a volunteer, please email us at mathalumni@uwaterloo.ca
Your excellence drives our success!
Thank you for volunteering with the Faculty of Mathematics.

"I want to take this opportunity to thank you personally for the amazing impact you have had on the Faculty of Mathematics this past year. Volunteers like you are essential to everything we do from helping mark contests to serving on committees to mentoring our students and so much more. Your support enables us to chart a bold course of innovation and excellence and, for this, we are incredibly grateful. We are privileged to have you as a part of our team."