Every researcher has nightmares about running across prior work that anticipates--or worse, invalidates--their own contributions. A thorough literature survey is essential to getting a good night’s sleep! A careful survey will also allow you to absorb research techniques and ideas from your peers.
Conducting a research survey is a skill that is rarely taught to graduate students, so most surveys are done by trial and error. To address this gap, Rebecca Hutchinson, Math and Computer Science Librarian, will offer a 2-hour, hands-on session to grad students in the Faculty of Mathematics, covering:
- 8 easy steps to conducting a systematic literature survey
- How to choose survey tools
- Search methods used by experts
- Library services that can help you
If you want to become an expert searcher, make sure to attend this essential training session. Bring a laptop or tablet!
This session is targeted to graduate students in the Department of Applied Mathematics, the Department of Combinatorics and Optimization and the Department Pure Mathematics.