Welcome math and computing teachers!

These professional development opportunities bring teachers together on campus at the University of Waterloo. For three days, they get to know one another in sessions and at meals, creating lasting supportive connections.

The CEMC continues to support computing teachers throughout the year with online resources and school visits.
Math teachers are the next to arrive on campus for the Math Teachers’ Conference, taking place August 20-22. Different programming streams are presented for teachers of grades 7-8 and 9-12. Students of the Waterloo online Master of Mathematics for Teachers program also take advantage of this opportunity to connect with each other, their peers and the University.
Conference presentations by outstanding elementary and secondary school teachers, as well as University of Waterloo faculty members and invited speakers, cover a variety of topics including problem solving and “mathematics and computer science in the real world”.
The CEMC aims to increase enjoyment, confidence and ability in mathematics and computer science among students and teachers in Canada and internationally. Through contests, face-to-face workshops, online resources, and publications, the CEMC provides curricular and enrichment support to elementary and secondary schools. The activities of the CEMC emphasize the relevance and importance of mathematics and computer science in the 21st century.