Faculty of Mathematics announces the 2020 Golden Jubilee Research Excellence Award winners

Friday, July 3, 2020

Two faculty members have been awarded the 2020 Faculty of Mathematics Golden Jubilee Research Excellence Award. Pengfei Li and William Slofstra are each awarded $2,500.

“Congratulations to the awardees,” said Anita Layton, associate dean, research and international. “We received outstanding nominations throughout the Faculty of Mathematics which speak to the scholarly accomplishments of our professors. The two awardees have made exceptional contributions to their fields."

Pengfei Li
Li, a professor in the Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science, has made significant research contributions in several distinct areas including density ratio models and empirical likelihood methods, finite mixture models, nonparametric smoothing techniques and experimental designs. With applications in biology, ecology and reliability, Li’s work on empirical likelihood uses a unique combination of deep theory and application, while his contributions to the development of nonparametric smoothing techniques have been applied to the analysis of imaging and medical data.

William Slofstra
A member of the Institute for Quantum Computing since 2015, Slofstra was the first to prove that some of Tsirelson’s mathematical models yielded different sets of joint quantum probability densities. Eventually he was able to show that all but the pair of models related to Connes Embedding Problem yielded different sets of densities. This work has led directly to the definition of new complexity classes which have led to a group of computer scientists to show that Connes Embedding Problem has a negative solution.

This honour is conferred to early or mid-career faculty members who have made outstanding research contributions, was established in 2017 to mark the 50th anniversary of the Faculty of Mathematics. The award is based on the quality of a candidate’s research over the past five years or for an influential paper published within the past five years as assessed through its quality and impact.