Small c Math Contest 2015

Friday, September 25, 2015

small-c contest in M3
Last Friday, September 25, was a beautiful sunny evening but over 475 first and second year students still showed up to write the Fifteenth Annual Small c Mathematics Competition. This is a record number of participants!

Congratulations go to the following top-performing students.

1st year students: Chun Ho Lau and Anqi (Joyce) Yang

2nd year students: Zhengyu Gu and Antonio Molina Lovett  

Zhengyu earned a perfect score of 150 out of 150. This is a spectacular result.  

Honourable mentions go to Michael Pang, Sina Abbasi, Billy Jin, Jing Xu Zhang, Akshay Tiwary and Fengyang Wang.  

The mean mark was 97.5 and the median was 97. The contest can be found online, and the correct answers are: DCDEA CEACD BADEC DBACE ACCDE.  

I would like to thank Shane Baumann, Carmen Bruni, Alain Gamache, Conrad Hewitt, Robert Garbary, Stephen New, Kim Schnarr, Carolyn Sedore, Ian VanderBurgh, and Tim Zhou for their help in the preparation and administration of the contest.  

J.P. Pretti