PhD students from Waterloo’s six faculties are coming together to pilot a new course on climate change. The course, “The Wicked Problem of Climate Change,” is currently open for registration by senior undergraduate students. Reflecting the complex challenges that climate change poses to all aspects of human and non-human life, the course will bring together expertise from across the curriculum and encourage interdisciplinary inquiry and problem solve.
The Faculty of Mathematics will be represented by Donovan Allum, a PhD student in Applied Mathematics. “The challenging part about teaching a complete course about addressing climate change is that it requires people who normally don’t communicate with each other to do just that,” says Allum. “We expect to come to class with a diverse set of perspectives based on a combination of their academic and personal backgrounds.”
The course will accept ten undergraduate students from each of Waterloo’s six faculties for a total of sixty students. To learn more about the course and how you can register, click here. To learn more about the development of the course, check out this article.