Anna Lubiw

Math and music

Anna Lubiw
Anna Lubiw’s primary focus is algorithms for computational geometry, graph drawing and other graph theoretic problems. Her work has included a study of shortest paths on a terrain with the constraint that the path goes downhill. In addition, Anna has worked on a morphing problem of transforming one drawing of a graph to another in a continuous way. In addition to visualization applications, this problem has application in medical imaging when successive two-dimensional slices (e.g., from X-rays) are combined to form a three dimensional model.

Anna is also interested in music information retrieval, for example, looking for small fragments of music in a larger musical score. Her interest in music goes beyond information retrieval – Anna is one of the founders of orchestra@uwaterloo, an extracurricular musical ensemble for students, staff, faculty and alumni of the University of Waterloo.

University of Waterloo Mathematics, Annual Report 2004