Due to Budget Constraints This is on Hold Until Further Notice
This program supports two tenure track or tenured faculty members per year who are at critical junctures in their careers and whose research productivity has been directly affected by personal life events (e.g., illness of a dependent, parent, spouse/partner, or oneself; complications from pregnancy/childbirth; a combination of major life events) by providing each faculty member a one-course teaching release.
- Applicant must be a tenure-track or tenured faculty member in the Faculty of Mathematics whose research productivity is substantially affected by personal life events (e.g., illness of a dependent, parent, spouse/partner, or oneself; complications from pregnancy/childbirth; combination of major life events).
- Applicant has not received a Bridge Support Teaching Release in the 6 previous years.
- Applicants may only receive one Bridge Support Teaching Release every 7 years.
- When the course release term is completed, a maximum 2-page report must be filed with Associate Dean, Research and International (ADRI) to provide the following information:
- Impact of the support on research productivity
- Feedback on the support recipient’s experience with the application process
Applications are evaluated based on the following criteria by the ADR.
Evaluation Criteria
- How critical the career stage is (e.g., ECR, near promotion etc.)
- Impact of the life event/s on research productivity
- Impact of Bridge Support to enhance research productivity
- Impact of receiving/not receiving the Bridge Support