
4A Statistics Major with a minor in Computer Science

Hometown: Mississauga, Ontario

Extracurricular activities:A cappella and volunteering for the Math faculty!

When things get harder, it just means you’ve leveled up.


Why did you choose to study at Waterloo?

As someone who had always loved math since grade school, I knew that I wanted to go to Waterloo from the beginning because of its very reputable math program. Not only that, but the co-op opportunities! I really couldn’t have asked for a better university to teach me what I love and help me gain the experience I need for post-graduation.

What was your favorite moment as a Math Ambassador ?

My favourite moment happened during You@Waterloo Day when I was touring a grade 12 student who has just accepted his offer for the Computer Science program and his family. He and his parents were so excited! But the thing that stood out to me the most was when we were lucky enough to pass by the Real Time train lab and an upper-year student showed him the trains. The upper-year explained to the student how the trains were moving (through electric currents running on the tracks) and what his code was designed to do and even did a demo! The student was so in awe of it all and I could really see that he cannot wait for September to arrive and finally take some CS classes. The best thing about being a Math Ambassador is being able to experience moments like these and talking about how great Math at Waterloo is isn’t bad either.

A club I am a part of (the UW A Cappella Club) flash-mobbed Pitch Perfect 2 on its opening night… and video footage of our flashmob made its way to the PREVIEWS of the movie!! Friends across Canada have reported that they saw our performance in their local theatres!