Support the CEMC

The Centre for Education in Mathematics and Computing (CEMC) has a long history at the University of Waterloo of introducing a love of mathematics and computer science to students around the world. How do they do it?

  • Centre for Education in Mathematics and Computing
    Visiting schools and running workshops
  • Developing and administering math contests
  • Holding weekly Math Circles for students grades 6-12
  • Offering a Masters of Mathematics for Teachers (MMT)
  • Developing and sharing free courseware and web resources

The work has led to CEMC winning the 2018 Adrien Pouliot Award from the Canadian Mathematical Society. It is a great honour and recognition of the important work that we do. We rely on our caring community of donors and volunteers to do this work. We need your help to continue.

Your special gift to CEMC will:

  • Support Canadian high school students coming to Waterloo for mathematics and computer science related events
  • Promote math and computer science among underrepresented groups such as Indigenous peoples and women
  • Allow us to visit schools both near and far in Canada
  • Create more free online resources to support the mathematics curriculum

More than ever before, tomorrow's leaders must be fluent in the languages of mathematics and computing. With your support, we can help students reach their full potential.