Faculty Initiatives

The Faculty of Mathematics Equity Office supports and amplifies the work of colleagues within the Faculty of Mathematics that advance our collective commitment to our Equity and Inclusive Communities Principles. Some of the many initiatives we support include:

Pride Factors

Pride Factors was founded in April 2024 to identify and reduce barriers for underrepresented sexual orientations and gender identities in mathematics at the University of Waterloo, including, but not limited to two-spirit, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, and asexual people.

For more information on how to connect with Pride Factors, please email matheqcp@uwaterloo.ca.

A series of curved horizontal lines stacked verticallyon top of each other. Each line has an arrow on one end pointing either left of right, with the direction the arrow pointing alternating with each stacked line. The lines and arrows change colours from top to bottom, moving from red, to orange, to yellow, to green, to blue, and ending with purple.

Problems with Purpose—Centre for Education in Mathematics and Computing

Problems with Purpose is a collection of mathematical problems to be used for students in grades 4 to 12. Each problem is meant to highlight the connection between mathematics and our collective responsibility to present and future generations. These problems can be used by parents, teachers and guardians to introduce various mathematical concepts to students with a connection to the world around us.

A photo taken in the Grand River Watershed by Judith Koeller. Trees with green and red leaves stand at the edge of water.

A photo taken in the Grand River watershed, by Judith Koeller

Women in Mathematics (WiM)

The Women in Mathematics (WiM) committee exists to encourage and advocate for women and gender minorities who are interested in studying mathematics and who seek careers in mathematics. The committee engages with cultural and institutional reasons for under-representation, and strives for all genders to be well-represented in mathematics.

The logo of University of Waterloo Women in Mathematics

Women in Computer Science (WiCS)

Women in Computer Science (WiCS) is dedicated to promoting gender equity in computing by advocating for and supporting women, trans, gender-fluid, gender-queer, and non-binary students enrolled in computer science and related computing programs at the University of Waterloo. Specifically, WiCS initiatives and events foster community, empowerment, and mentorship:

  • to ensure that young women+ see computer science as an option in their studies and their careers
  • to create an inclusive learning and working environment in the School of Computer Science
  • to connect with other organizations and initiatives for women+ in computing
The logo of Women in Computer Science at Waterloo Mathematics. It says the acronym WiCS in red text, with white patterns resembling a tree data structure.