Bridges Lecture - Mathematics and democracy

Friday, February 27, 2015 7:30 pm - 7:30 pm EST (GMT -05:00)


Talk abstract

A multitude of election systems have been proposed for choosing both single winners (for mayor, governor, or president) or multiple winners (to a council or committee). Those based on approval voting, which allows voters to vote for more than one candidate or party, are especially appealing. We look at the mathematics behind these systems, and how well they satisfy properties considered important in a democracy. We also analyze the usage of approval voting in electing, among other officials, Catholic popes and U.N. secretaries general. More recently, approval voting has been adopted by several major professional societies to elect their presidents and advisory councils. Based on this experience, we offer several recommendations for the use of approval voting in public elections.

Bridges Lectures are free of charge and wheelchair accessible.

No registration required, reception will follow the lecture.

Parking is available at St Paul's free of charge for the lecture.