Image of the M3 building with text that says "Declare your major information sessions February 28th and 29th in M3 1006 and M3 Atrium"
Thursday, February 29, 2024 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm EST (GMT -05:00)

MUO Declare Your Major Information Session

The Math Undergraduate Office (MUO) is here to support you in determining what major is right for you and what process you need to follow to declare your major. The Declare Your Major Information Session will provide students with the opportunity to meet advisors and ask questions about the majors they are considering. Various majors will be featured each day. In M3 1006, key information about the majors will be presented, then you can visit each plan booth to speak with an advisor in the M3 Atrium. 

Snacks and refreshments will also be provided!

February 28th:

The information session will be in M3 1006 from 10:30am - 11:15am.

The Q&A with plan representatives will be in the M3 Atrium from 11:15am - 12:30pm

February 29th:

The information session will be in M3 1006 from 1:00pm - 1:45pm.

The Q&A with plan representatives will be in the M3 Atrium from 1:45pm - 2:30pm

Before attending the event, students are encouraged to:

1. Do Your Research

  • Get familiar with the majors available on our Declaring Majors page
  • Write down any majors you are considering and the questions you have

2. Get Answers

  • Register to attend the Declare Your Major Information Session and meet with advisors for the majors you are considering

3. Review Options

  • Reflect and narrow down the major(s) you want
  • Follow up with your plan advisor if you have any other questions or concerns


February 28

Applied Math and Mathematical Physics 

Combinatorics & Optimization | Mathematical Optimization 

Computer Science 

Computing & Financial Management 

Financial Analysis & Risk Management

Information Technology Management | Mathematical Economics | Mathematics/Business Administration 

Mathematics/Teaching (Q&A Booth Only)

February 29

Actuarial Science

Computational Math

Mathematical Studies

Pure Math | Mathematical Finance

Statistics | Biostatistics | Math Data Science