Recognizing Excellence Summit

Join us on Thursday, June 13th for a day of captivating discussions presented by faculty and alumni.
Join us on Thursday, June 13th for a day of captivating discussions presented by faculty and alumni.
The Equity Office and the Research, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Council invite you to attend a unique opportunity to hear from UWaterloo women identified Deans and Senior Administrators, as they share details about their path to leadership, the ways they overcame barriers and what they wished they had known along the way.
Join the Math Undergraduate Office to de-stress on Friday, July 12th from 11:00 a.m to 3:00 p.m (while supplies last).
Beat the summer heat with lemonade, iced tea and snacks.
Join us on Wednesday, July 24th, and learn how to respond wittily, constructively, and effectively to sexist comments directed toward you or others. Pick up some everyday strategies, and practice employing them in various scenarios.
Hear from upper year students and first year instructors!
Female undergrad and grad students are invited with fellow students and professors.
Complimentary snacks will be provided. We welcome math students who identify as women, or who are non-binary.
All third year and above undergraduate and masters students in a finance-related program are invited to participate in this two-part seminar. The seminars are being offered from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. on Saturday, September 14 and 1:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. on Saturday, September 21.
The David R. Cheriton School of Computer Science will be hosting the annual Cheriton Research Symposium in the Davis Centre.
This year’s symposium consists of presentations by Cheriton Faculty Fellows, Dan Brown and Urs Hengartner. The full schedule is available online.
Posters by David R. Cheriton Graduate Scholarship recipients will be on display in Davis Centre atrium from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Optimal Transport, Entropy, and Risk Measures on Wiener space
We discuss the interplay between entropy, large deviations, and optimal couplings on Wiener space.
In particular we prove a new rescaled version of Talagrand’s transport inequality. As an application, we consider rescaled versions of the entropic risk measure which are sensitive to risks in the fine structure of Brownian paths.
Meet leaders in mathematical, computer and statistical sciences at a two-day, all-expenses-paid conference hosted by the Faculty of Mathematics at the University of Waterloo.