If you are passionate about math and computer science, and looking for more information about the programs and majors offered by the Faculty of Mathematics, you're in the right place!
You'll find additional information about each of our programs and majors here, so you can compare and contrast a few of our available programs, or explore your future options. Find the headline that captures your imagination, and download a PDF with more details about co-op, courses and career paths, plus feedback from current mathies!
- Actuarial Science (PDF)
- Applied Mathematics (PDF)
- Biostatistics (PDF)
- Business Administration and Mathematics Double Degree (PDF)
- Combinatorics Optimization (PDF)
- Computational Mathematics (PDF)
- Data Science (PDF)
- Financial Analysis and Risk Management (PDF)
- Information Technology Management (PDF)
- Math/Chartered Professional Accountancy (PDF)
- Math/Teaching (PDF)
- Mathematical Economics (PDF)
- Mathematical Finance (PDF)
- Mathematical Optimization (PDF)
- Mathematical Physics (PDF)
- Mathematics and Business Administration Single Degree (PDF)
- Pure Mathematics (PDF)
- Statistics (PDF)
- Business Administration and Computer Science Double Degree (PDF)
- David R. Cheriton School of Computer Science (PDF)