Congratulations to the Waterloo Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) team - students Tyson Andre, Benoit Maurin, and Anton Raichuk with coach Professor Ondrej Lhotak - on their bronze medal at the 2012 ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC) World Finals!

The competition was held in Warsaw, Poland.
Waterloo finished in ninth place, earning a bronze medal and second place in North America behind Harvard University. St. Petersburg State University of IT, Mechanics and Optics placed first with host University of Warsaw in second place.
Waterloo teams have qualified for the ACM-ICPC world finals 20 years in a row, brought home a medal 17 times and placed first twice - in 1994 and 1999.
See Waterloo's Tyson Andre at 3:22 of this video: