Computer Science PhD candidate leads construction of interactive art installation at Ontario Place

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Glowing light box

PhD candidate Ludwig Wilhelm Wall and two recent Waterloo graduates have built an interactive installation at the intersection of art and technology called The Light Within. Their installation is part of Lumière: The Art of Light, a free outdoor light experience on exhibit at Ontario Place’s Trillium Park from March 10 to May 7.

The Light Within is an interactive outdoor exhibit that brings together the artistic talents of Nathan Fischer (BSc Chemical Physics, 2022) and Diana Tran (BFA, 2021) with Ludwig’s expertise in constructing large-scale pixel displays.

When a person stands in front of The Light Within exhibit, a camera captures their image and projects it back toward them using a wall of large-scale pixels. The exhibit is like a mirror but instead of a reflection the person becomes part of the art installation itself in the form of an illuminated matrix of pixel elements, each about the size of a ping-pong ball.

Learn more by reading the full article from Computer Science.