Computer science PhD student and pro squash player Cameron Seth launching entrepreneurial venture

Monday, November 8, 2021

Cameron Seth on the squash court

As a graduate student in the Cheriton School of Computer Science, Cameron Seth studies graph theory algorithms and complexity theory.

As an athlete, he is among the top Canadian men’s squash players. He has been playing on the international professional tour since 2015, and during his undergrad, Seth was a mainstay on the University of Waterloo varsity team.

He won the OUA individual title numerous times and led the squad to a few second-place finishes in the team event, losing to rivals Western.

Now, he’s found a way to marry his passions of computer science and squash in a new venture launching as part of the Concept $5K challenge, the bi-annual entrepreneurial contest hosted by the Waterloo-affiliated Velocity startup incubator.

The new platform is called SethSquash. Read more about Seth and his work at the intersection of computer science and athletics on Waterloo News.