Creating entrepreneurship opportunities for everyone

Friday, September 15, 2023
Students and business leaders at the University of Waterloo are pushing back on the idea that there’s only one way to be a successful entrepreneur. It’s a movement that’s been growing in every part of the Waterloo entrepreneurship ecosystem.

You don’t have to be a super-star founder with the next unicorn start-up. There are lots of ways to get involved with entrepreneurship, and every student has something to gain from embracing an entrepreneurial mindset.

“Canada needs more innovators,” says John Dick, the director for campus with Velocity. “We need people who are actively looking for problems, then taking the time to determine a problem’s cause before rallying a team to devise a solution and implement it. We need innovative nurses, teachers, businesspeople, and public servants. Literally any occupation you can think of needs to have more innovative people joining its ranks.”

Read the full story from Waterloo News.