CS professor Florian Kerschbaum receives $2M grant from ORF

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Professor Florian Kerschbaum has been awarded $2 million through the Ontario Research Fund to develop innovative data science and machine learning techniques aimed at safeguarding Ontario’s financial technology and manufacturing sectors from inadvertent data leaks. The project, led by Professor Kerschbaum as principal investigator and Professor N. Asokan as co-principal investigator, will enhance data security in these critical industries.

“By investing in cutting-edge research, we are safeguarding Ontario’s position at the forefront of innovation that continues to be competitive on a global scale and has the ability to attract the best and brightest talent to our province,” said Jill Dunlop, Minister of Colleges and Universities. “This will help ensure the social and economic opportunities that result from discoveries made in Ontario benefit Ontarians and the Ontario economy.”

Read the full article from Computer Science to learn more.