Health and Well-being Committee launches ‘Have your Say’ initiative

Thursday, September 30, 2021
Math 3 building with pink tie

A new program for health and well-being is rolling out in the Faculty of Mathematics. The ‘Have your Say’ initiative aims to involve students, faculty and staff in directing activities and resources for wellness.

How it works is simple. Any member of the Faculty of Mathematics community can submit ideas and suggestions. Just visit the website and fill out the form. All submissions are confidential.

Have Your Say is a combined effort of the Student Health and Well-being Committee and Employee Health and Well-being Committee.

“We recognize that every person in the Faculty of Mathematics is on their own wellness journey and that no two journeys are alike,” said Robert Bruce, a Faculty of Mathematics staff member and chair of the two committees.

“We also know that our community is full of brilliant people who are creative and resourceful. We hope that through this initiative, members of the community will help us develop new and exciting opportunities that can positively contribute to community health and well-being.”

Asked why this initiative is happening now, Bruce said it grew out of the recent community assemblies, which provided a forum for open discussion on the context of wellness in the faculty.

“Members of our community told us they are looking for ways to stay engaged with the Dean’s Office. And we want to provide them with that opportunity,” said Bruce.

As an added incentive, anyone submitting a suggestion is entered into a draw for a chance to win a $50 gift card for the W Store. Draws will be held each semester, and for each draw, there will be three student winners and three employee winners. 

“What we want, more than anything, is for everyone to feel welcome to take part. Have Your Say expresses the faculty’s desire to hear from its members about what they need to continue their wellness journey. That is what makes this an important initiative,” said Bruce.

“We are asking community members to tell us how we can help them. And then the committee will use its resources, as best as it can, to facilitate programming that helps community members achieve a greater sense of wellness in their lives.”