More than 78,000 prospective students and their supporters filled the Metro Toronto Convention Centre over the weekend of October 1-2 for the Ontario Universities’ Fair (OUF). At the OUF, high school students and other potential applicants can meet representatives from every Ontario university, all in one convenient location. It had been two years since the last in-person OUF, and the hall was filled with a palpable energy, equal parts nervousness and excitement.

In the University of Waterloo’s zone, the Faculty of Mathematics’ booth saw a nonstop stream of visitors asking questions, meeting current students, staff, and faculty, and adding pink buttons to their rainbows of Waterloo buttons. Over the course of the weekend, the booth distributed more than 4,000 QR code postcards with information about different programs in Math and how to stay connected.
“The Faculty of Math presence at OUF gives an opportunity to give both the holistic view of Waterloo, such as housing, co-op and scholarships,” explains Troy Vasiga, Associate Dean for Undergraduate Admissions and Outreach, “as well as providing potential applicants with the fine-grained details of each of our admission programs.”
As Meg McLellan, Director for Undergraduate Recruitment and International in the Faculty of Mathematics Undergraduate Admissions Office, adds, the OUF is often a crucial first step in the recruitment process for many future students. “The major purpose for us is to get Waterloo on their radar when they’re trying to find the right fit,” she says. “Our goal for our team is to plant the seed that they can see themselves studying at Waterloo, and then get them committed to actually visit us for an open house, tour, or virtual information session.”

A key component in helping prospective students see themselves at Waterloo was the team of forty-five volunteers, including faculty, staff, and current students, who worked at the Math booth during the fair. Wearing hot pink t-shirts and big smiles, they broke the ice with nervous teenagers and parents and helped answer questions about everything from course loads to the best ramen on campus. Especially crucial to Math’s success at OUF, McLellan says, was that the volunteers cumulatively spoke eight languages other than English, allowing them to communicate easily with many students and their supporters for whom English is not their first language.
“We can’t do this without the help of staff and faculty and students who are willing to give up a Saturday and Sunday to share their passion for their program and discipline,” says McLellan. “I’m always impressed by the number of people who are willing to come out and help our recruitment team.”
She hopes to see many of the prospective students from the OUF at Waterloo’s Fall Open House on Saturday, November 5, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. While the open house is mainly aimed at students in southern Ontario, there will be several virtual programs in the week leading up to it that are open to students around the world. Prospective students can visit campus anytime Monday through Friday to register for a tour of the Faculty with a student ambassador if they can’t make it to the November 5 open house.
Even if students aren’t able to make it to Ontario, the Faculty of Math might be coming to a classroom near you soon! This year sees a full return to international travel, with recruiters visiting schools in Canada, India, Kuwait, Qatar, Jordan, Oman, Dubai, Vietnam, Singapore, Indonesia, the Caribbean, and the United States this school year alone. Waterloo alumni in the United States are especially encouraged to connect with the recruitment team if they want to set up a visit or event this school year. To learn more about where our recruitment team is traveling, or to find out when you can access a virtual visit or workshop, visit the recruitment website.