The results of the 2015 Putnam Competition have arrived.
The top 5 universities were as follows.
1. Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2. Carnegie Melon University 3. Princeton University 4. Stanford University 5. Harvard University.
The next 5 universities, in alphabetical order, were University of California-Los Angeles, Duke University, Harvey Mudd College, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and Washington University at St Louis.
The University of Waterloo team members were Daniel Spivak, Shouzhen Gu, and Paul Musgrave.
Congratulations also to the following University of Waterloo students for their tremendous individual performance in the competition.
The top University of Waterloo student was Daniel Spivak who was one of the top six competitors and has been hailed as a Putnam Fellow.
Sina Abbasi, Trevor Clinkenbeard, Shouzhen Gu, Michael Pang, and Fengyang Wang.
The following twelve students, listed alphabetically, were among the top 350 contestants:
Letian Chen, Wenchao Du, Mohamed El Alami, Zhengyu (Jarry) Gu, Andrew Jay, Nikita Kapustin, Taras Kolomatski, Antonio Molina Lovett, Nihal Pednekar, Frieda Rong, Li Xuanji, and Michael Zhu.
Prof. Stephen New (coach)