Waterloo team beats the competition at 2023 ICPC North America Championship

Friday, June 2, 2023

The waterloo team takes first place

Just as a trio of Waterloo coders had in 2021, a team of three Waterloo algorithmic programmers topped the competition at the 2023 International Collegiate Programming Contest North America Championship, held on May 29 at the University of Central Florida.

Waterloo overcame the competition, including trios of programmers from Stanford, Carnegie Mellon, MIT, Harvard and the University of Toronto.

The International Collegiate Programming Contest is the oldest, largest and most prestigious university-level algorithmic programming contest in the world. Each year, some 50,000 students from more than 3,000 universities across 111 countries compete in regional competitions to earn a spot at the World Finals.

Read the full article from Waterloo News.